Average 05.49 am

I still havn't found out what Klára wrote to me on the komments, but i will, and when i do i'll let you know.

It's less and less to do here in the stable, today(/yesterday...whatever) another horse left so now there's only 15 left. i took Rich to the airport today to, so there's none horse to be ridden. But I had the funnies two weeks, in a very long time, working here! But....never the less, for the one who wakes me up early on monday i won't answer for- Because, how pleasant it ever is coming to the stables in the morning, you really need to sleep through the morning once and a while.

We had the german veterinary for "walter" heter today. He ran some test and gave "walter" some medicin, cross your fingers everyone. He's such a happy horse now a days, when i was walking him in the indoorarena the other day he was even going in the air, kicking.
Speeking of kicking, Emotion gave me another bluemark today, kicking me that little shit. He refused to move while I was skipping out so i gave him a dash with the fork, and smash. It didn't hurt so much though, i stode rather close to him and he didn't had that much strenght in the punch. Lucky me, i'd hate staying in the hospital once more.

Oh, bedtime.
Bis bald!

(Rockys buddy, Calton)

Postat av: Pernilla


Så de där två busarna rymmer emellanåt?! Haha... ja jag vet inte, men en del cavalierer har nog inte riktigt läst sin bruksanvisning. De verkar vildare än andra liksom. :-)

Så söt han är, Rockys kompanjon!

Hoppas ni har en bra helg! Vädret blev ju riktigt bra idag, åtminstone här i skåne.


2008-08-16 @ 21:41:24
URL: http://lillairma.blogspot.com
Postat av: mamma

vart har du tagit vägen, elin????

2008-08-17 @ 22:27:27
URL: http://monicam.blogg.se/

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