
"Walter" had a colic again, we had to take him to Slöinge...again. Rich and Clair are gone on competitions, so me and Michael took him. He wasn't very good, but once we came there he was anyway slightly better. I stayed for 2 hours, then I went home packed some stuff and went back again. We keept him on a colic-journal, so I also learned something. I went home again after 3½ hours, because they decided to move him up to the mainbuilding, since the anyway were going to stay there for another horse, so then they could keep an eye on him too. That's nice of them, I think, but I would have liked to stay eitherway. But they sent me home around 01.00 in the morning.
I really hope that he in some miraculous way gets well and recover, but...I don't know, I just think that he's better of somewhere else. It's a shame on such a nice horse.


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