550 kg häst på min fot..
...resulterade i brutet fotben. AJ! Han liksom hoppade runt i någonslags panikartad steppdans och glömde totalt bort mig där i boxen.
Spenderade 5 timmar avlördagskvällen på akuten i Varberg, vilket var ganska underligt med tanke på att när vi faktiskt kom dit så var det helt tomt i väntrummet. Men där väntade vi i en halvtimme bara, sedan blev vi inskickade i ett annat väntrum där vi satt lite längre. Röntgenremiss och ännumer väntande, men vad är väl två timmars väntan när det finns kardemummakakor och skorpor, till och med GRATIS kaffe. Efter två timmars väntan på ortopeden så bestämde de sig (läkarna) dock för att det inte behövdes gipsas. Kanske inte ett så väl övervägt beslut med tanke på att jag är hästtjej och finns det något som de flesta hästtjejer gör så är det att absolut inte sitta still. Igår var jag ju ledig, men idag har jag jobbat litegrann.
Jag har bland annat sniffat igenom och staplat upp 25 höbalar för att sortera ut de som inte var så bra, putsat, sopat litegrann, hoppat fram och tillbaka för att hämta täcke till behövande häst, tvättat, plockat i ordning lite bland mina saker i ladan, fixat med alla vaccinationer och gjort ett schema. Funderade på om jag faktiskt kunde grooma lite på hästarna men de blev så förskräckligt rädda för mitt hoppande hit och dit att jag bestämde att jag kanske skulle vänta litegrann med det. Det är helt fantastiskt vad man kan göra med hjälp av smärtstillande! Nu sitter jag dock här och ångrar mig lite, det känns...
Imorgon ska jag ringa till akuten och se om jag kan få en plastskena/fot (en sådan som Rocky tuggade lite på när Hjalmar hade en) för då får jag lite mer stöd när jag stolpar omkring.
Här är annars en glad kille:
Spenderade 5 timmar avlördagskvällen på akuten i Varberg, vilket var ganska underligt med tanke på att när vi faktiskt kom dit så var det helt tomt i väntrummet. Men där väntade vi i en halvtimme bara, sedan blev vi inskickade i ett annat väntrum där vi satt lite längre. Röntgenremiss och ännumer väntande, men vad är väl två timmars väntan när det finns kardemummakakor och skorpor, till och med GRATIS kaffe. Efter två timmars väntan på ortopeden så bestämde de sig (läkarna) dock för att det inte behövdes gipsas. Kanske inte ett så väl övervägt beslut med tanke på att jag är hästtjej och finns det något som de flesta hästtjejer gör så är det att absolut inte sitta still. Igår var jag ju ledig, men idag har jag jobbat litegrann.
Jag har bland annat sniffat igenom och staplat upp 25 höbalar för att sortera ut de som inte var så bra, putsat, sopat litegrann, hoppat fram och tillbaka för att hämta täcke till behövande häst, tvättat, plockat i ordning lite bland mina saker i ladan, fixat med alla vaccinationer och gjort ett schema. Funderade på om jag faktiskt kunde grooma lite på hästarna men de blev så förskräckligt rädda för mitt hoppande hit och dit att jag bestämde att jag kanske skulle vänta litegrann med det. Det är helt fantastiskt vad man kan göra med hjälp av smärtstillande! Nu sitter jag dock här och ångrar mig lite, det känns...
Imorgon ska jag ringa till akuten och se om jag kan få en plastskena/fot (en sådan som Rocky tuggade lite på när Hjalmar hade en) för då får jag lite mer stöd när jag stolpar omkring.
Här är annars en glad kille:
For more drawings please visit my sister's blogg and se the beautiful crying horse (yeh he actually lost his glove so of course he's sad) which is one of my earlier creations.
In my new t-shirt!!
Yesterday was "mocking-out-all-boxes-day" today is "day-off-day" and a really good day for photographing, at least that's was i thought, but no no weather has a different oppinion. So now I'm just waiting for Rich to wake up so that we can go for some breakfast.
Until then, Coldplay in my ears.
Tereza Huclova
This homepage is a BIG "have to", so please go see it. Fantastic photos.
Horse quotes
There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. ~Winston Churchill
If your horse says no, you either asked the wrong question, or asked the question wrong. ~Pat Parelli
There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. ~Winston Churchill
If your horse says no, you either asked the wrong question, or asked the question wrong. ~Pat Parelli
Oh no!!!
You think you know what you want and when you get it you're really sure of that "this" is everything what you wanted. But the truth is, that in the end of the day you'll never ever get everything you want. In all honesty, I think that is the best thing for everyone.
So how was the list again:
- never ever trust anyone
. don't get children
- don't get married
- never confide in anyone
- never get dependenced of anyone
Oh dear, this doens't sound good, but safe anyway.
Normaly I longe E, J, C, C and ride A. Tack up M, B, I, L, Q for Rich and P and V for S-G. I sweep the yard, clean tacks, pick up stuf with the jumpy that needs to be picked up. Normaly I don't do so much washing cause normaly it's allready done when i get there. Sometimes I take the tractor and do the arena and sometimes i build jumps/fences and help S-G and Rich when they jump. Sometimes I clean up in the feeding room and sometimes I rake the corners in the arena. I never takes smoking-breaks and I'm never on the internet during "working hours". I'm normaly, no, i'm ALWAYS the last one of us to leave the stable so how anyone can say that i don't do much work in the stable...that's f*ing bullshit!
I do what I'm told to do and if I haven't got anything to do I'll find something to do. If this is something else than the others are asked to do then, sorry, but it's not my problem. But now it suddenly become, how??? And yeah, I do ride Qs sometimes, I did it 3 times because M asked me if I wanted. And yeah, one more thing, I work on my "days off" to. This is it, if you want to work with horses you allways have to be prepered to work, even in the middle of the night, horses doesn't turn off, I'm sorry but this is not a job where you "get off" at 6 pm and that's it, or? Obviously for some people, but not for me, I care to much.
Oh, sorry, I was also the one who got up with Rich at 01.00 in the morning to prepare two horses who were leaving for a one week show.
Does it show?? Can you tell I'm a bit pissed off??
By the way, did I say I really like my job? because I do!
So how was the list again:
- never ever trust anyone
. don't get children
- don't get married
- never confide in anyone
- never get dependenced of anyone
Oh dear, this doens't sound good, but safe anyway.
Normaly I longe E, J, C, C and ride A. Tack up M, B, I, L, Q for Rich and P and V for S-G. I sweep the yard, clean tacks, pick up stuf with the jumpy that needs to be picked up. Normaly I don't do so much washing cause normaly it's allready done when i get there. Sometimes I take the tractor and do the arena and sometimes i build jumps/fences and help S-G and Rich when they jump. Sometimes I clean up in the feeding room and sometimes I rake the corners in the arena. I never takes smoking-breaks and I'm never on the internet during "working hours". I'm normaly, no, i'm ALWAYS the last one of us to leave the stable so how anyone can say that i don't do much work in the stable...that's f*ing bullshit!
I do what I'm told to do and if I haven't got anything to do I'll find something to do. If this is something else than the others are asked to do then, sorry, but it's not my problem. But now it suddenly become, how??? And yeah, I do ride Qs sometimes, I did it 3 times because M asked me if I wanted. And yeah, one more thing, I work on my "days off" to. This is it, if you want to work with horses you allways have to be prepered to work, even in the middle of the night, horses doesn't turn off, I'm sorry but this is not a job where you "get off" at 6 pm and that's it, or? Obviously for some people, but not for me, I care to much.
Oh, sorry, I was also the one who got up with Rich at 01.00 in the morning to prepare two horses who were leaving for a one week show.
Does it show?? Can you tell I'm a bit pissed off??
By the way, did I say I really like my job? because I do!
Deep conversations are for me, normaly, not very funny, they have a tendency to end up very unconvinient. Therefore I try to go around them, if I can. But the situation is that somehow it doesn't matter, cause in a very strange way I seem to get myself in to thoose situations anyhow, even how much I try. It seems as this is something you can't avoid in life.
I know one more person who tries to do the same as me, but this person works it out much better than me.
How could this be?
Is there a secret somehow? or do I have to learn to be more shallow?
Anyhow, yesterday's conversations didn't end up so bad as I thought it would, but if it took me any further, I honestly don't know. I don't really care either, I'm just glad I got out of it without loosing more of myself.
Photosessions on the jumpingarena
Oh, it was quite a long time since I wrote now, a lot of things is happening..or not really but I my days seems to fill up them self with a lot of things to do. Time really goes by fast now a days.
Up in the morning, tack up horses, longe horses, groom horses, clean tacks, feed horses, sweep the yards, wash saddlepads/boots/rugs, serve the blacksmith, go for horsefood, a s o. We have now 23 horses in the stable, 20 of them belongs to us. That's not that much, could be more, but they keep us working all day.
Today, this evening I had a photosession with Tereza and Chopper. Results?
Rocky has vacation today, from the stable. So he's with my dear sister at my dad's place, I heard they went for a longlong walk and he also got a quite bright yellow rug so everyone can see him running about. So I guess he's probably soon known as Rocky The Rocket, with a reason. My crazy little dog. he was quite happy today though, the blacksmith was in the stable today and that means "yummie yummie" for all happy dogs, hoofrests and cut frogs (not frogs frogs but frogs as in what the horse has underneath their hoofs). Delicious says Rocky, I don't really know cause I am the one wiping up the sick from the floor...but but, whatever makes him happy. Yesterday he got Lasangette. Yeah I gotta spoil him in someway now that he's not alowed in the bed anymore.
Have a nice evening everyone and enjoy the weekend!
Up in the morning, tack up horses, longe horses, groom horses, clean tacks, feed horses, sweep the yards, wash saddlepads/boots/rugs, serve the blacksmith, go for horsefood, a s o. We have now 23 horses in the stable, 20 of them belongs to us. That's not that much, could be more, but they keep us working all day.
Today, this evening I had a photosession with Tereza and Chopper. Results?
Rocky has vacation today, from the stable. So he's with my dear sister at my dad's place, I heard they went for a longlong walk and he also got a quite bright yellow rug so everyone can see him running about. So I guess he's probably soon known as Rocky The Rocket, with a reason. My crazy little dog. he was quite happy today though, the blacksmith was in the stable today and that means "yummie yummie" for all happy dogs, hoofrests and cut frogs (not frogs frogs but frogs as in what the horse has underneath their hoofs). Delicious says Rocky, I don't really know cause I am the one wiping up the sick from the floor...but but, whatever makes him happy. Yesterday he got Lasangette. Yeah I gotta spoil him in someway now that he's not alowed in the bed anymore.
Have a nice evening everyone and enjoy the weekend!
Latenight activitys
Klára and Rich in the stable, please don't ask me what they're up to, wouldn't be able to answer.
New stuf: Klára is going home. OH NOOOOO! How will we ever manage without her!? We'll be on skype 24hours a day, or at least a couple hours per day. "Klára where is that" "Klára how do I do this" "Klára when are you coming baaaack".
No honestly, I think we'll manage, but we'll miss our little ClaireBear.
Ops, of to the horses...
No honestly, I think we'll manage, but we'll miss our little ClaireBear.
Ops, of to the horses...
Was heisst denn Mittelerweile...gibt es schon?
Jag har fått jobb. Det gäller nog bara att hålla ut tillräckligt länge.
(Paus, hämtning av hästar från skrittmaskinen)
Som sagt, det gäller att hålla ut och ta lite skit först, det är faktiskt så, tyvärr. Nu har jag i alla fall jobb.
Also, Ich hab jetzt arbeit gekriegt, mit die Pferden auf diese hoof (Glommen). Alles müssen also immer schon ein bisschen scheisse sein voher es gut wirt.
Gestern waren ich schon wieder beim Tierartz im Halmstad, Ich wird langsam profi mit der Anhänger zu fahren, schon gut! Diesen mal war es doch mit die Louises Pferdchen, Wilma, sie hatte im Knie inflamation, immer sind es was mit diese Pferden, echt.
Sonst sind alles im ordnung...ach ja, so wie es immer sind, haha.
Wann Sie schönen Bilden sehen will, dann gucken Sie am besten auf diesen site http://callemedse.blogg.se/index.html. Er schreibt auch echt gut, gemüliche Geschichten.
(Paus, hämtning av hästar från skrittmaskinen)
Som sagt, det gäller att hålla ut och ta lite skit först, det är faktiskt så, tyvärr. Nu har jag i alla fall jobb.
Also, Ich hab jetzt arbeit gekriegt, mit die Pferden auf diese hoof (Glommen). Alles müssen also immer schon ein bisschen scheisse sein voher es gut wirt.
Gestern waren ich schon wieder beim Tierartz im Halmstad, Ich wird langsam profi mit der Anhänger zu fahren, schon gut! Diesen mal war es doch mit die Louises Pferdchen, Wilma, sie hatte im Knie inflamation, immer sind es was mit diese Pferden, echt.
Sonst sind alles im ordnung...ach ja, so wie es immer sind, haha.
Wann Sie schönen Bilden sehen will, dann gucken Sie am besten auf diesen site http://callemedse.blogg.se/index.html. Er schreibt auch echt gut, gemüliche Geschichten.
The question is not what we're looking at, the question is what he's looking at.
This must be how it feels sometimes, you try and try to get out of whatever traped you. Very often something self-inflicted. Meanwhile you're in there you probably soon panic, but there's nothingelse to do than look at the people outside, they somehow look so different. Hopefully a nice soul comes for your resque and let you out. Sadly, that's not always what's happen. Sometimes noone comes to resque you and sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you try. But always remember, you got yourself into the situation.
Walber Team - Geocaching
I think, or what I've heard, there is a few of you (people who acually read my blogg) who don't understand what (the hell) we are doing, so this is it, this is Geocaching: http://www.geocaching.se/
i won't write any further today cause were on to watch The Lord of The Ring-part two.
i won't write any further today cause were on to watch The Lord of The Ring-part two.
Micro and multi
Yesterday, was yet another geocaching-evening. We did three...and a half. Fist two really simple once, then one which demanded some climbing, REALLY HIGH!
Then I wanted to go for the multicach, but Clair kept telling it was really difficult, but I was stubborn and kept nagging and eventually got my will through. Multicach means you have to do fist one task to find out the coordinates for the real cach. So, the hints for this multicach was: Birch and oak (Björk och ek) and it also said it was for people who liked climbing. Super! So we found the fist tree, The Birch. Me and Rich started to climb, haha, simple thing to get up, not that simple to get down. Anyway, in the "top" of the birch we found a metallplate which told us some new coordinates, Presumably to the main cach we thought, so we looked at the "tomtom" and started to walk.
Normal people (which doesn't include us) would have taken a look at the coordinates and established that "aha, this is a bit in that direction, a rater long bit so let's go back to the car, go along the road and see if we can get any closer". But this is as I said, for normal people, sane people, boring people. But we are doing (what we call) extreme geocaching so we jumped over stonewalls, walked over fields, almost got eaten by evil cows, struggled through the woods and finally got closer to our goal.
Alas, even though we bumped in to another pro-geocacher, we weren't able to find our cach. I got darker and darker until we couldn't see nothing at all. So once again...
To be continued...
Normal people (which doesn't include us) would have taken a look at the coordinates and established that "aha, this is a bit in that direction, a rater long bit so let's go back to the car, go along the road and see if we can get any closer". But this is as I said, for normal people, sane people, boring people. But we are doing (what we call) extreme geocaching so we jumped over stonewalls, walked over fields, almost got eaten by evil cows, struggled through the woods and finally got closer to our goal.
Alas, even though we bumped in to another pro-geocacher, we weren't able to find our cach. I got darker and darker until we couldn't see nothing at all. So once again...
To be continued...
A puzzle
What is one dozy Englishman, one crazy Czech and one blond Swede doing in the dark, by the light house with a "tomtom" two mobilephones and without a torch?
Yeah, that's right, looking for a cach and today we went back found that one and two more. So let me proudly present...
The Walber-team
Yeah, that's right, looking for a cach and today we went back found that one and two more. So let me proudly present...
The Walber-team
Extreme geocaching
Today was "day off" which means; not so much work. Woke up a bit late though, got up and put Lousie's horses in the fields. Then I took the camera to take some pictures on Clare while she was riding Chaggie and even I got to try him a bit. Here's the results:
Tereza and Chopper was also there
Because of our "day off" we decided to do something else than just sit around the yard, so Claire came up with the geocaching idea and Rich wanted to fly kite (which did not really happened, but anyway...). Whe took of to "Glommens hamn" to look for the first one.
Rich took the opportunity to take Carlton for a swim, I don't really know if Carlton found it as fun as Rich did.
We anyway found the cach and went to look for the next one on Morups tånge, unfortunately I've never really took a good look on the map over Glommen and the surroundings so we ended up in Träslövsläge eating ice-cream. Then we had to go back to the yard feeding horses and I had to lunge one of Louise's horses, but the weather was so nice so we decided to give the second cache another try. Finding our way to the right place we started to look, but the fact that we didn't had the "tomtom" with us made it a bit more difficult and eventually our stomages started to make some wellknown sounds and we wanted to get back to pick up the "tomtom".
After buying some Pizza and fetching the nessesary "tomtom" we went back again, now in the fall, to keep looking. Fall became night and it was a shame we didn't bring the torch, mobilephones don't give away too much light...
At 10 pm, stung by thousands of thorns, we gave up and decided to go back in the morning determined to find that bloody little box.
So...to be continued...
Tereza and Chopper was also there
Because of our "day off" we decided to do something else than just sit around the yard, so Claire came up with the geocaching idea and Rich wanted to fly kite (which did not really happened, but anyway...). Whe took of to "Glommens hamn" to look for the first one.
Rich took the opportunity to take Carlton for a swim, I don't really know if Carlton found it as fun as Rich did.
We anyway found the cach and went to look for the next one on Morups tånge, unfortunately I've never really took a good look on the map over Glommen and the surroundings so we ended up in Träslövsläge eating ice-cream. Then we had to go back to the yard feeding horses and I had to lunge one of Louise's horses, but the weather was so nice so we decided to give the second cache another try. Finding our way to the right place we started to look, but the fact that we didn't had the "tomtom" with us made it a bit more difficult and eventually our stomages started to make some wellknown sounds and we wanted to get back to pick up the "tomtom".
After buying some Pizza and fetching the nessesary "tomtom" we went back again, now in the fall, to keep looking. Fall became night and it was a shame we didn't bring the torch, mobilephones don't give away too much light...
At 10 pm, stung by thousands of thorns, we gave up and decided to go back in the morning determined to find that bloody little box.
So...to be continued...
Jag kan störa mig på folk som inte ger mig en chans, som tränger sig före mig för att föra saker åt mig. Ok, jag kanske inte är världens mest tekniska eller smartaste, men jag brukar alltid kunna fundera ut hur saker funderar genom att titta, pilla lite och prova mig fram. Det är så jag lär mig, därför blir jag så irriterad på folk som försöker ta det ifrån mig för att "det går fortare" eller folk som hela tiden tror att jag ska förstöra. Jag är ingen idiot, jag ger mig inte in på saker som skulle ha så fruktansvärda konsekvenser om det gick fel och om det nu skulle bli fel, SO WHAT! då har jag i alla fall försökt och förhoppningsvis lärt mig något med det.
Så alla ni som känner som jag, säg ifrån, annars blir man överkörd och det har jag blivit allt för många gånger så nu kan jag faktiskt inte bry mig om att folk blir stötta, jag måste ju få lära mig något, leva, jag med.
Så alla ni som känner som jag, säg ifrån, annars blir man överkörd och det har jag blivit allt för många gånger så nu kan jag faktiskt inte bry mig om att folk blir stötta, jag måste ju få lära mig något, leva, jag med.
Five Iron Frenzy - Plan B
Five Iron Frenzy - Super powers
I think they are quite religious, but anyway, pretty good. This is their best in my opinion.
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
Saw them live at WestCoastRiots. Really good! They've done a lot of good songs but this is the first I heard with them which means it my favourite.
Fountains Of Wayne - Hey Julie
Nice song to play on the guitar, cute lead. Got it from my brother.
The Fray - Look After you
Do I need to say more? Maybe a bit corny but I like it, haha.
Goldfinger - Still Counting The Days
Fantastic lead.
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
Great Big Sea - When I'm King
Great Big Sea - Lukey's Boat
I wanna moooooveeeeee.
Less Than Jake - Don't Fall Asleep On The Subway
Nice "running"-music.
Lucky Boys Confusion - Hey Driver
Must be played while driving cab.
Mad Caddies - The Belltower
A little bit of reaggytouch :)
Millencolin - Ray
" - Mooseman's Jukebox
" - Botanic Mistress
" - Fox
Best swedish band? I believe so...
MxPx - Responsibility
Really good live.
Neverstore - Racer
How was it again, next Millencolin?
Paramore - My Heart
Nice nice nice!
Plain White T's - A lonely September
Nice lead.
The Planet Smashers - Hey Hey
" - Surfing in Tofino
Ska? Anyway really good.
Reel Big Fish - Cheer up
" - Beer
" - What are Friends For
" - Good Thing
" - Join the Club
" - Fuck of Song
Haha, I mean the leads are really honest.
Zebrahead - Rescue Me
And this is just like a little piece of what a wanted to write from the beginning. Anyway, have no time right now. Going training with my dad, 40 minutes on the rowing machine should make me tired and hopefully a bit stronger.
Måste bara kolla...
Idag har Elin varit turistguide, i Varberg. Fråga mig inte hur jag klarade det, haha, eller jo, jag läste lite på skyltarna för turister och sedan översatte jag, eller så läste jag i smyg och hittade på resten, hihi. Busiga jag.
Jag fick t ex frågan vad de små klisterlapparna som finns på nummerplåtarna betydde. Ehh, ja det är ju skattekvittot då, beviset på att man betalt skatten på bilen. Men sedan fick jag även frågan varför det var olika färg och olika nummer. Då slängde jag ihop en historia om att det beror på vilken månad eller år man betalar och att siffran varierar beroende på vilken månad man ska besiktiga bilen.
My god, haha, jag tror att det stod om detta i körkortsboken, så Hjalmar, du som tog senast, ha jag åtminstonde lite rätt???
Vet att de flesta inte tycker om dessa listor, men men, jag var tvungen att kolla så att jag verkligen vet vad/vem/hur jag är.
Om dig:
Du har:
[ ] Du har fler än 10 nagellack.
[ ] Du har en parfym som kostade mer än 500.
[ ] Du har eller har haft lösnaglar.
[ ] Har/haft en bild på dig själv som bakgrundsbild på datorn.
[x] Du har minst 5 klädesplagg som du inte använder.
[ ] När du var liten ville du vara en prinsessa.
[ ] Du brukar gå på stan med din mamma.
[ ] Du har haft rosa på ditt rum.
Totalt: 1
Du har:
[x] Du har färgat håret
[x] Du har slingat håret.
[x] Du har alltid din mobil med dig.
[ ] Du dansar vilt när du är ensam hemma
[ ] Du går aldrig hemifrån utan att vara sminkad.
[ ] Du har inpackning i ditt hår minst en gång i veckan
[ ] Du älskar att gå till frisören.
[ ] Du solar hellre än att bada.
Totalt: 3
Du älskar:
[ ] Skor
[ ] Färgen rosa
[ ] Shopping
[ ] Dekorationer
[ ] Speglar
[ ] Skolan
[ ] Delfiner
[ ] Disneyfilmer
[ ] Ljus
[ ] Blommor
[ ] Mjukisdjur
Totalt: 0
Du shoppar/shoppat på:
[x] MQ
[ ] Kompaniet
[ ] Victoria's secret
[x] H&M
[ ] Aima
[ ] New Yorker
[x] Gina Tricot
[ ] NK
[ ] Top Gun
[ ] Taily Weijl
[ ] Bijou Birgiette
[ ] City Girl
[ ] Colosseum
[ ] Sisters
Totalt: 3
Du säger ofta:
[x] Whatever
[x] Oh my god!
[x] Vet inte
[ ] Cutie
[ ] Hot
[ ] Visst
[ ] Säkert
[ ] Ursäkta?
[ ] Fabulous
Totalt: 3
Du läser:
[ ] Frida
[ ] Cosmopolitan
[ ] Glamour
[ ] Elle
[ ] Teen Vouge
[ ] Bravo
[ ] Solo
[ ] Wendy
[ ] Bravo girl
[ ] Star Flash
Totalt: 0
Du gillar dessa filmer:
[ ] Elizabetown
[ ] Eva och Adam
[ ] Freaky Frida
[ ] Ciao Bella
[ ] A Walk To Remember
[ ] Sweet home Alabama
[ ] Where The Heart Is
[ ] Just My luck
[ ] John Tucker Must Die
[ ] The holiday
[ ] Girls united
[ ] How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
[ ] The hot chick
[ ] My girl
Totalt: 0
Du brukar kolla på:
[ ] Lost
[ ] Top Model
[ ] Projekt Runway
[x] Desperate Housewives
[ ] The Simple Life
[ ] Men In Trees
[ ] 8th & Ocean
[x] Grey's Anatomy
[x] The OC
[ ] Laguna Beach/The Hills
[ ] Nip/Tuck
[x] Gilmore Girls
[ ] One Three Hill
[ ] Heroes
Totalt: 4
Du tycker är bra:
[ ] Paris Hilton
[ ] Jessica Simpson
[ ] Mariah Carey
[ ] J-Lo
[ ] Britney Spears
[ ] Beyonce Knowles
[ ] Christina Aguilera
[ ] Hillary Duff
[ ] Lindsay Lohan
[x] Gwen Stefani
Får du: 0-20 mer pojke än tjej - Haha, ok där har vi det
Får du: 20-30: pojkaktig flicka
Får du 30-40: rätt så tjejig.
Får du: 50-60: du är riktigt flickig.
Jag fick t ex frågan vad de små klisterlapparna som finns på nummerplåtarna betydde. Ehh, ja det är ju skattekvittot då, beviset på att man betalt skatten på bilen. Men sedan fick jag även frågan varför det var olika färg och olika nummer. Då slängde jag ihop en historia om att det beror på vilken månad eller år man betalar och att siffran varierar beroende på vilken månad man ska besiktiga bilen.
My god, haha, jag tror att det stod om detta i körkortsboken, så Hjalmar, du som tog senast, ha jag åtminstonde lite rätt???
Vet att de flesta inte tycker om dessa listor, men men, jag var tvungen att kolla så att jag verkligen vet vad/vem/hur jag är.
Om dig:
Du har:
[ ] Du har fler än 10 nagellack.
[ ] Du har en parfym som kostade mer än 500.
[ ] Du har eller har haft lösnaglar.
[ ] Har/haft en bild på dig själv som bakgrundsbild på datorn.
[x] Du har minst 5 klädesplagg som du inte använder.
[ ] När du var liten ville du vara en prinsessa.
[ ] Du brukar gå på stan med din mamma.
[ ] Du har haft rosa på ditt rum.
Totalt: 1
Du har:
[x] Du har färgat håret
[x] Du har slingat håret.
[x] Du har alltid din mobil med dig.
[ ] Du dansar vilt när du är ensam hemma
[ ] Du går aldrig hemifrån utan att vara sminkad.
[ ] Du har inpackning i ditt hår minst en gång i veckan
[ ] Du älskar att gå till frisören.
[ ] Du solar hellre än att bada.
Totalt: 3
Du älskar:
[ ] Skor
[ ] Färgen rosa
[ ] Shopping
[ ] Dekorationer
[ ] Speglar
[ ] Skolan
[ ] Delfiner
[ ] Disneyfilmer
[ ] Ljus
[ ] Blommor
[ ] Mjukisdjur
Totalt: 0
Du shoppar/shoppat på:
[x] MQ
[ ] Kompaniet
[ ] Victoria's secret
[x] H&M
[ ] Aima
[ ] New Yorker
[x] Gina Tricot
[ ] NK
[ ] Top Gun
[ ] Taily Weijl
[ ] Bijou Birgiette
[ ] City Girl
[ ] Colosseum
[ ] Sisters
Totalt: 3
Du säger ofta:
[x] Whatever
[x] Oh my god!
[x] Vet inte
[ ] Cutie
[ ] Hot
[ ] Visst
[ ] Säkert
[ ] Ursäkta?
[ ] Fabulous
Totalt: 3
Du läser:
[ ] Frida
[ ] Cosmopolitan
[ ] Glamour
[ ] Elle
[ ] Teen Vouge
[ ] Bravo
[ ] Solo
[ ] Wendy
[ ] Bravo girl
[ ] Star Flash
Totalt: 0
Du gillar dessa filmer:
[ ] Elizabetown
[ ] Eva och Adam
[ ] Freaky Frida
[ ] Ciao Bella
[ ] A Walk To Remember
[ ] Sweet home Alabama
[ ] Where The Heart Is
[ ] Just My luck
[ ] John Tucker Must Die
[ ] The holiday
[ ] Girls united
[ ] How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
[ ] The hot chick
[ ] My girl
Totalt: 0
Du brukar kolla på:
[ ] Lost
[ ] Top Model
[ ] Projekt Runway
[x] Desperate Housewives
[ ] The Simple Life
[ ] Men In Trees
[ ] 8th & Ocean
[x] Grey's Anatomy
[x] The OC
[ ] Laguna Beach/The Hills
[ ] Nip/Tuck
[x] Gilmore Girls
[ ] One Three Hill
[ ] Heroes
Totalt: 4
Du tycker är bra:
[ ] Paris Hilton
[ ] Jessica Simpson
[ ] Mariah Carey
[ ] J-Lo
[ ] Britney Spears
[ ] Beyonce Knowles
[ ] Christina Aguilera
[ ] Hillary Duff
[ ] Lindsay Lohan
[x] Gwen Stefani
Får du: 0-20 mer pojke än tjej - Haha, ok där har vi det
Får du: 20-30: pojkaktig flicka
Får du 30-40: rätt så tjejig.
Får du: 50-60: du är riktigt flickig.
The Unsaid
Really good film, highly recomended. Also because Vincent Kartheiseer is...haha, kind of good looking.